Fitness & Lifestyle Transformation Coaches
Online Coaching/Consultation
What does a retired figure-fitness competitor, post-menopausal mom of 3 and a chiselled 30 year old gym-owner who’s a Crossfit Games athlete have in common?
A shared passion for achieving personal excellence at any age and stage of life, and helping others find their best selves while navigating ‘real life’.
CSNN instructor Yvette Styner, RHN and Life Coach Adam Davidson, CF1&2 know the challenges of juggling family, business, fitness, ‘life’. With their combined experience, education and passions in all things nutrition, fitness and mindset – they help their clients transform their bodies and their lives, from the inside out.
With a heart and human-centred service that integrates holistic wellness, sports nutrition, and life coaching, the truly bespoke and holistic support provided at Mipstick will help you build the body you want to live the rest of your life in!